The Friends of Pioneertown
Firewise Signup
Email Address
Please provide your neighborhood.
Pioneertown Proper
Water Canyon
Keyes Ranch
Pipes Canyon
Gamma Gulch
Parsons Ranch
Burns Canyon
General Pioneertown Area Firewise Community Information
Please provide general information on the Pioneertown Area Firewise Community effort, insurance benefits and the many ways I can participate.
Ready to participate
I’m ready to participate! How do I contribute my defensible space (fuel hazard reduction) work hours so that we can obtain/maintain our Firewise Community recognition designation.
More info on participating
Please send me the information on participating and more information on additional ways to participate which also counts for work hours.
Sign me up for emails
I’d like to sign up for emails for updates on our Firewise community efforts’.
Ways to volunteer
I”d like more information on volunteering my time at one of the FIrewise community events.
Information on the Firewise process
I would like to form a Firewise Community in our neighborhood. Please send me more information on the process and benefits?
Please do not fill in this field.